

Tourtips explain or inform users of new features, experiences, and UI elements.

  • Skin
  • CoreUI
  • React
Stylized artwork of a tourtip.


A tourtip diagram with 7 elements numbered: 1. Pointer tip, 2. Leading graphic, 3. Title, 4. Body, 5. Dismiss button, 6. Container, 7. Buton.
  1. Pointer tip
  2. Leading graphic
  3. Title
  4. Body
  5. Dismiss button
  6. Container
  7. Button


Title (optional)

The title succinctly describes the purpose of the tip. Use a title for more expressive messages and callouts.

A tourtip with a ‘Social accounts’ title.


The body content is required. Use the body to explain the purpose of the tip. Keep content to 4 lines or fewer. For longer content, use a modal or a notice.

A tourtip with a body spanning 3 lines.

Leading graphic (optional)

The leading graphic is optional. Use a leading graphic to show a preview, a feature icon, and other related graphics. These graphics can be distracting if overused, so aim to use them infrequently.

A tourtip with a AI icon leading graphic.

Dismiss button

The dismiss button closes the tip. The dismiss button is required on web and is focusable.

A tourtip with a dismiss button situated to the top right.

Button (optional)

Tourtips can include interactive buttons. A button can allow users to learn more about a feature, navigate to the next tip in a series of tips, or act as an acknowledgement to dismiss the tip.

Pointer arrow

The pointer arrow points to the anchor element. The pointer can appear on any side of the tip and can flex freely along the side depending on the anchor element’s location. There’s a minimum margin of 16px from each corner.

A tourtip with multiple pointer arrows on each side of the tourtip, and padding of 16px on each side.

Preferred placement

Tips can have a preferred placement beside, below, or above anchor elements. The default position is above and centered. The preferred placement will be overridden and adjusts according to the distance of the anchor element from the edge of the screen.

For example, a tip will appear below and offset to the left of an element in the top-right of a top navigation bar.

A box with 4 tourtips: one above the box, one below, one to the left, and one to the right.


Tips can appear explicitly or implicitly. Dismiss behavior differs for each.

Explicit triggers

Explicit triggers are buttons that toggle a tip, like an info button. These tips remain visible until the user interacts with the trigger button again or the dismiss button within the tip.

Implicit triggers

Implicit triggers include actions like navigating to a page with a new feature or scrolling to an item eligible for a tip. These tips appear automatically and dismiss when interacting with page content, pressing the dismiss button, or navigating to a new page.

Two tourtips. An explicit tourtip toggled by an info button sits above an implicit tourtip automatically toggled by an icon button.



Tips quickly animate in near their trigger element. If the tip is located out of view, the animation won’t be seen but the tip will remain visible until the user scrolls and dismisses it. The timing depends on the type of tip.

A tourtip with the title ‘Generate CSV files’ points to a ‘Generate CSV’ button.


Tourtips can persist until explicitly dismissed by the user or after the user interacts with other elements on the page.

A ‘Interests’ tourtip with an ‘Edit interests’ action button sits below a ‘Customize’ icon button.


Tips are dismissed via the dismiss button, an info button trigger, interacting with content on the page, or scrolling the page.

A cursor hovers over the dismiss button on a tourtip.

Text overflow

The title and body text wrap when they reach the width of the tip container.

A tourtip with a headline spanning two lines, and body copy spanning two lines.

Screen sizes


On compact screens, tips can float below the top navigation header, anchor to an element in view on load, or present further down a page.

A ‘Interests’ tourtip with an ‘Edit interests’ action button sits below a ‘Customize’ icon button.


On medium screens, tips anchor to an element in view on load or further down the page.

On a medium screen, a  Social accounts tourtip points to a ‘Social’ page on a side navigation.


On large screens, tips anchor to an element in view on load or further down the page.

On a large screen, a  Social accounts tourtip points to a ‘Social’ page on a side navigation.

Best practices


Only show a single tip at a time.

A tourtip sits points to a ‘Payout schedule’ card on the eBay mobile app.

Don’t present multiple tips at once.

Two tourtips. A tourtip sits points to a ‘Payout schedule’ card on the eBay mobile app, and another points to an ‘Add payment’ option button.


Tips are dismissed when the page content is scrolled.

A ‘Transaction details’ page on the eBay mobile app showcasing overflow content on the top of the page.

Don’t anchor a tip or move it around to keep it visible on scroll.

A ‘Transaction details’ page on the eBay mobile app showcasing overflow content and tourtip on the top of the page.


Tourtip specs are shown. The padding on the left, right, top, and bottom of the tourtip is 16px. The padding between the image and the text content is 16px. The padding between the content and the button is 16px. The padding between the text content and the close icon button is 16px. The padding between the title and body copy in the text content is 8px.

Change log

Sep, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
  • Combined tourtip and infotip into “tourtip”
Oct, 2023
  • Updated defaults to show a single action and hide index
Jun, 2022
  • Updated button in footer to use button v2.0.0
  • Prepended parent component name to helper components
Apr, 2022
  • Increased size of title
  • Decreased size of close icon
  • Increased spacing between title and body
  • Added index property
  • Updated button styles
  • Updated corner radius
  • Added dark mode versions
  • Added boolean property for footer
Jul, 2019
  • Initial release