Item tile


Item tiles display an item preview with key details for further decision-making and quick comparison of similar items.

Stylized artwork of an item tile.



Item tiles surface a few key product details at a time.


Items tiles can be scanned quickly to preview and compare.


Item tiles drive quicker decisions at the early stages of exploration.


An item tile diagram is shown with 10 elements numbered: 1. Media container, 2. Save toggle, 3. Priority signal, 4. Title, 5. Condition, 6. Aspect, 7. Price, 8. Strikethrough price, 9. Attributes, 10. Sponsored tag, 11. Additional actions, 12. Carousel pagination, 13. Carousel tappers.
  1. Media container
  2. Save toggle
  3. Signal
  4. Title
  5. Condition
  6. Aspect
  7. Price
  8. Strikethrough price
  9. Attributes
  10. Sponsored tag
  11. Additional actions
  12. Carousel pagination
  13. Carousel tappers

Amount of details

The amount of details shown within item tiles varies based on context. Different attributes are surfaced to highlight the most important details depending on item type and tile location within an experience.

Four item tiles showing how the amount of details in an item title varies between categories. There is also a ramp on the bottom of the image visualizing the scale of verticals with less attributes to verticals with more attributes. From left to right: the ‘Fashion’ category can show 2 to 4 attributes, the ‘Furniture’ category can show 2 to 4 attributes, the ‘Electronics’ category can show 3 to 6 attributes, and the ‘Appliances’ category can show 3 to 6 attributes.


Media container

The media container is required for all item tiles and is derived from the product detail page. The image will default to the first image available in the listing. Item tile images use a 1:1 ratio and the radius adheres to the image scaling rules, 16px radius for images 80x80 or larger and 8px radius for images smaller than 80x80.

An empty image placeholder will be shown when an image isn’t available or fails to be fetched.

An item tile image is shown with emphasis on the 1:1 ratio.


A signal sits directly below the image and above the product title. The signal indicates key information about standout products within a set that helps the user make a more informed decision. These are programmatically determined and only appear on one or two visible items at a time. Learn more about Signals.

An item tile with a ‘Great price’ priority signal.


The product title should succinctly describe the item. The title wraps at two lines before being truncated with an ellipses on large screens, and at a maximum of three lines on mobile screens.

An item tile with a title wrapping into two lines.


The condition of the item sits directly beneath the title. This indicates whether the item is new, used, refurbished, etc.

A ‘Brand new’ item condition sits below the title in an item tile.


Aspects are key characteristics about the item related to other items in its category. They sit inline with the condition separated by a dot character and are typically 1-2 words. There should only be 1-2 aspects maximum on an item. Aspects may force a natural text wrap in categories with longer names like sneakers. This may also occur when using dynamic type for accessibility. In this instance, consecutive attributes may not perfectly align to the baseline.

Two item tiles. The first item tile has a ‘Brand new’ condition with a ‘Walnut’ aspect, and the second item tile has a ‘Brand new’ condition with a ‘Size 5Y’ aspect.


The price is one of the most important elements and is required for all tiles. The price sits on its own line, bolded, with an optional strikethrough price for discounted items. The strikethrough price will wrap to the next line if there isn’t enough room.

A ‘Brand new’ item condition sits below the title in an item tile.


Attributes provide additional information for making a more informed decision. These include seller ratings and levels, coupons, bulk purchase discounts, shipping price, program enrollment, additional colors, and more.

An item tile with three attributes: ‘Buy it now’. ‘Free shipping’, ‘16% off 6+ with coupon’.

Bids and Auctions: English

Bids and Auctions are what make eBay special. In an auction-style listing, sellers name a starting price and buyers bid against one another. Bids are counted while the auction timer winds down and the two are separated by a dot character. The auction timer uses different time metrics and colors as it counts down. Text starts as black and begins to show hours under 10 days, while minutes appear under 24 hours and seconds under 5 minutes. The text changes to red at 59 minutes and under and reverts back to black when the auction has ended.

An item tile is shown with a bid attribute. There is a chart below showing the progression of a bid, and how it is displayed in an item tile. From start to end: 0 bids · 10d, 1 bids · 9d 23h, 15 bids · 23h 59m,  22 bids · 59m, 38 bids · 4m 59s, 45 bids · Ended.

Bids and Auctions: German

Keep in mind that other languages such as German use different time abbreviations and may force a natural text wrap on the bids and auction line on smaller item tiles. This may also occur when using dynamic type for accessibility.

An item tile is shown with a bid attribute in German. There is a chart below showing the progression of a bid, and how it is displayed in an item tile. From start to end: 0 Gebote · 10t, 1 Gebot · 9t 23std, 3 Gebote · 23std 59min, 4 Gebote · 59min, 8 Gebote· 4min 59sek, 10 Gebote · Beendet.

eBay Plus

eBay Plus is a unique eBay membership found in other regions like Australia where users can save on Plus items and more. It is represented by a sub-branded eBay logo lockup.

The eBay Plus logo sits below two attributes in an item tile.

Program badge

Program badges are icon and text lockups that highlight and reinforce existing programs and services across eBay related to trust, authentication, and guarantees. Only the most important associated program should be shown at a time on item tiles. Learn more about Program badges.

An Authenticity Guarantee program badge sits below two attributes in an item tile.

Product rating

Product ratings are represented by a 5-star system and are leveraged in certain categories like electronics.

A 4 and a half star product rating with 16 reviews sits below two attributes in an item tile.

Color chips

Color chips provide an overview of available color options for a product. They can be used both independently as a non-interactive visual and as an interactive element that changes the image. When used as an interactive element, accessibility and tap target size must be accounted for. There is typically no more than 5 shown at a time.

Four color chips (grey, dark brown, brown, and green) sit below two attributes in an item tile.

EEK rating & range

Energy Efficiency Class (EEC or EEK) information is required on specific product categories according to EU legislation. The rating is represented by a single line of text, while the range uses a colored graphic. Only one version is used at a time.

An EEK rating sits below two attributes in an item tile. One tile has the single line treatment, while the other has the range icon.

Sponsored tag

Sponsored listings are those that have paid to be shown at prime locations throughout a buyer’s journey. These are tagged as sponsored at the bottom of the listing for transparency. The text floats and aligns to the bottom of the attributes area for each tile.

A Sponsored tag sits below two attributes in an item tile.

Additional actions

An overflow button is used when there are multiple actions available for a tile. The overflow button is aligned to the bottom right of the tile in both vertical and horizontal layouts. Interacting with the overflow button reveals a popover or context menu, depending on the platform.

An additional actions overflow button is situated in the bottom right of the item tile.

Media carousel

The media carousel is optional and supports both images and videos. The pagination pill is always visible on both web and native, while tappers appear on hover only on the web. If a video is included in the carousel, its corresponding dot is replaced with a play icon. Media carousels are limited to a maximum of 4 item.

Three item tiles with media carousels. The first has 3 images. The second has 3 images with a video. The third has 3 images with a video and it’s in the hover state.


Item tiles can be shown in a gallery or list view. Gallery view allows for larger images but takes up more vertical space. List view allows for more listings to be visible at once for quicker comparisons with less emphasis on the imagery.

Two item tiles are shown, one in a gallery view and the other in list view.


Item action

Each item has an action on the top-right of the image. The default action is a save toggle to save or remove the item from a list.

A ‘Save’ icon button sits to the top right of an item tile.

Additional actions

Additional actions are available as an overflow icon button in the bottom right corner of the tile. The background color is omitted on the enabled state. State layers including hover, pressed, and focused still behave the same.

An item tile with an overflow icon in the bottom right for additional actions. The overflow opens a popover with the actions ‘Search similar’, ‘Share item’, and ‘Report item’.

Title hover

When hovering over the item’s title, the title becomes underlined.

An item tile with a hand cursor over the title. The title is underlined.

Title clamping

On small screens, titles are truncated with an ellipsis after 3 lines of text, while on medium and larger screens, they truncate after 2 lines.

A large item tile with 2 lines of text followed by an ellipses, and a small tile with 3 lines.

Media container hover

When an item tile features a media carousel on the web, tappers become visible when hovering over the container. However, they do not appear on native platforms. Pagination dots, on the other hand, remain consistently visible across both web and native experiences.

Two item tiles with the media carousel. The first is the active state with only the pagination dots. The second has a cursor hovering it, displaying the tappers.


There is an underlying baseline grid that helps align content along a clear scan line for users. Titles, prices, and attributes are baselined when placed next to other item tiles in gallery view. Attributes below the price are aligned to a 23px baseline grid. This means that all attribute lines each add up to 23px tall. Additional details and visuals are shown in the specs area and the baseline grid can be toggled on in the component controls.

Three item tiles display the underlying baseline grid applied to content.


If the destination of a tile has been visited, the title will update to a visited state.

Four item tiles with the title color in a visited state.

Screen sizes

As screen widths expand, the number of item tiles in uniform grids increases. Item tile widths fluidly grow between breakpoints until an additional tile is added or removed.


Item tiles on mobile can use the list or gallery view depending on user preferences or domain requirements. Fewer tiles will fit on screen, so some attributes or aspects will be hidden on smaller screens.

A ‘Sneakers’ search result on an eBay mobile screen displays item tiles in grid and list views.

Small tile count

Uniform grid

  • Uniform grids have 2 tiles from 320px to 511px.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 8px.

List grid

  • List grids have 1 tile from 320px to 511px.
  • The spacing between media containers and text is 8px.
Small screen uniform grid layouts with 2 item tiles each.
Small screen list grid layouts with 1 item tile each.


More tiles can be shown on larger screens in either layout. Attributes can be shown up to a maximum of 4 lines. Tiles using a list layout can be placed in a single-column layout.

A ‘Sneakers’ search result on an eBay tablet screen displays item tiles in gallery view.

Medium tile count

Uniform grid

  • Uniform grids have 2 tiles at 512px, 3 tiles at 768px, and 4 tiles 1024px.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 8x for 512px and 16px for 768px and 1024px.
  • When the left hand navigation is present at 1024px, a tile is removed.

List grid

  • List grids have 1 tile at 512px, 768px, and 1024px.
  • The spacing between media containers and text is 8px for 512px, and 16px for 768px and 1024px.
Medium screen uniform grid layouts with 2, 3, and 4 item tiles each.
Medium screen list grid layouts with 1 item tile each.


More tiles can be shown on larger screens in either layout. Attributes can be shown up to a maximum of 4 lines. Tiles using a list layout can be placed in a two-column layout.

A ‘Sneakers’ search result on an eBay desktop screen displays item tiles in gallery view.

Large tile count

Uniform grid

  • Uniform grids have 5 tiles at 1280px and 1440px.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 16px.
  • When the left hand navigation is present at 1280px and above, a tile is removed.

List grid

  • List grids have 2 tile at 1280px and 1440px.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 16px.
  • The spacing between media containers and text is 16px.
Large screen uniform grid layouts with 5 item tiles each.
Large screen list grid layouts with 2 item tiles each.

X-Large tile count

Uniform grid

  • Uniform grids have 5 tiles at 1680px and above.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 16px.
  • When the left hand navigation is present at 1680px and above, a tile is removed.

List grid

  • List grids have 2 tiles at 1680px and above.
  • The horizontal spacing between tiles is 16px.
  • The spacing between media containers and text is 16px.
X-Large screen uniform grid layouts with 5 item tiles each.
X-Large screen list grid layouts with 2 item tiles each.

Best practices

Title alignment

Do keep titles aligned even when one of the tiles has a priority signal visible.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The titles are aligned on both item tiles, even with the absence of the priority signal on the first item tile.

Don’t overwrite the layout to remove the offset spacing when one tile in a row has a priority signal.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The title of the item tile without the priority signal is pushed up to align with the priority signal on the other item tile.

Price alignment

Do keep prices aligned.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The prices are aligned on both item tiles.

Don’t let prices jump around. It affects the scan line for quick and easy price comparisons.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The price in the item tile on the left is not aligned with the price in the item tile on the right.

Attribute alignment

Do keep attributes aligned.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The attributes are aligned on both item tiles.

Don’t let attributes jump around. It affects the scan line for quick and easy attribute comparisons.

Two item tiles, the one with a priority signal is on the right and the one without is on the left. The attributes in the item tile on the left are not aligned with the attributes in the item tile on the right.

Amount of information

Do show just enough information to differentiate an item and speed up decision making.

An item tile with a priority signal, a title that wraps to two lines, a condition, an item price with an inline strikethrough price, two attributes, and a program badge.

Don’t overload item tiles with too much information.

An item tile with a priority signal, a title that wraps to two lines, a condition with aspects inline, an item price with an inline strikethrough price, three attributes, a program badge, color chips, an EEK rating, and a sponsored tag.

Do aim for no more than two icon buttons over the image.

An item tile with one icon button in the upper right over the image.

Don’t overload an item tile with icon buttons. This obscures the image and can negatively impact accessibility.

An item tile with four icon buttons in all corners over the image.

Program badges

Do only show the most important program badge at a time on item tiles.

An item tile with an Authenticity Guarantee badge.

Don’t stack multiple program badges. Showing too many badges at once dilutes their importance.

An item tile with an Authenticity Guarantee badge and an eBay Refurbished badge.

Do left-align program text when it wraps to two lines at smaller tile widths.

An item tile with an Authenticity Guarantee badge. The Authenticity Guarantee title in the badge wraps to two lines and is left aligned to the text.

Don’t let the text run under the icon.

An item tile with an Authenticity Guarantee badge. The Authenticity Guarantee title in the badge wraps to two lines and the second line is left aligned under the icon.


Large gallery tile

The example shown is meant to highlight all available options, as well as an overview of core spacing and sizing. Please note that a maximum of 4 attributes (below the price) should be used at a time.

A large gallery item tile is shown with specs highlighted. The top and right padding in the image container is 12px, and aligned to that is the Save icon which is 32px in height. The icon itself is 16px and has a foreground.primary fill. The padding between the image container and the item details is 12px. The signal height is 16px. The padding between the signal and the item title is 4px. The item title size is 14pt body weight with a line height of 20pt, and the fill is foreground.primary. The padding between the item title and the condition is 0px. The condition size is 14pt body weight with a line height of 20pt, and the fill is foreground.secondary. The padding between the condition and the item price is 8px. The item price size is 16pt medium bold weight with a line height of 24pt, and the fill is foreground.primary. The padding between the item price and the strikethrough price is 4px. The strikethrough price size is 12pt small strikethrough, with a line height of 16pt, and the fill is foreground.secondary. The attribute size is 14pt body weight with a line height of 20pt, and the fill is foreground.primary. The attributes are aligned to a 23px baseline grid. The program badges house a 16px icon with a foreground.primary fill. The text size of the program badge is 14pt body weight with a line height of 20pt, and a fill of foreground.primary. The EEK rating string has a text size of 14pt body weight with a line height of 20pt, and a foreground.primary fill. The sponsored tag has a text size of 12pt small, with a line height of 16pt, and a foreground.secondary fill. A 32px overflow icon button is anchored in the bottom right corner.

Small gallery tile

The small gallery tile mostly follows the same space and style guidance as the large version. The main differences are the space above and below the price is 6px and the size of the program badge decreases to caption 12/16.

A small gallery item tile is shown with specs highlighted. The general specs are the same as the large gallery item tile, except for the padding above and below the price, which is 6px. The size of the program badge text is 12pt small with a line height of 16pt, and the fill is foreground.primary.

Stacked attributes

Attributes align to a 23px baseline grid. This grid is based on our body text line height of 20px with 3px of space between lines. In order for all attribute types to align on the baseline grid, unique top and bottom padding is needed for the different options.

Two item tile details are side by side with specs. The attributes are aligned to a 23px baseline grid, and the padding between each attribute is 3px.

Individual attributes

Each line height should add up to 20. The exception is the EEK icon.

The Purchase type attribute has a line height of 20pt.

Purchase type: body 14/20

The eBay Plus logo has a line height of 20pt. The eBay Plus logo height is 16px, with a 3px top padding and a 1px bottom padding.

eBay Plus: 16px logo, 3px top padding, 1px bottom padding

The large Program badge grouping has a text line height of 20pt.

Program badge (Large): body 14/20

The small Program badge grouping has a line height of 20pt, a 1px bottom padding, and a text line height of 16px.

Program badge (Small): caption 12/16, 3px top padding, 1px bottom padding

The product rating has a line height of 20pt, with 16px icons, 2px padding between the icons, 4px padding between the last icon and counter, 2px top padding, 2px bottom padding, and a foreground.secondary fill on the text.

Product rating: 16px icon, 2px top padding, 2px bottom padding, caption 12/16

The color chips have a line height of 20px, 6px padding between the color chips, 12px chip size, 4px top and bottom padding.

Color chips: 12px chips, 4px top padding, 4px bottom padding

The EEK rating and range has a line height of 43px, with 24px icon, 3px top padding, and 16px bottom padding.

EEK rating and range: 24px icon, 3px top padding, 16px bottom padding

The sponsor tag has a line height of 20px, with a 16pt text line height, 3px top padding, and 1px bottom padding.

Sponsor tag: caption 12/16, 3px top padding, 1px bottom padding


Signal and title offsets are used to align title, price, and attributes on different baselines when placing gallery item tiles next to each other. This helps users better scan rows of content.

Two item tiles are shown with specs highlighted. The item tile on the left has two 20px offsets placed - one above the title, and one below the condition attribute, to help align the item tile content on the right. The item tile on the right has a signal and a  title spanning two lines, and is aligned to the item title on the left.

Media carousel

The media carousel is optional and supports both imagery and video.

An item tile with 12px of space around the inside parameter of a media container. There is a 32px save icon button in the top right corner. 32px carousel chevron buttons are middle-aligned vertically with the left button being disabled. There is a 20px tall pagination pill visually centered horizontally at the bottom. The pagination dots pill is 20px tall and 52px wide with 8px of padding on the left and right, and 6px tall dots with 4px of space between them. The dots use color.foreground.primary. The pill uses color.background.elevated @75% opacity with shadow.subtle applied.

Large and small list tiles

The large and small list tiles follow the same space and style guidance as the gallery versions. The main differences are the layout orientation, space between the images and content, and there are no signal or title offsets used.

A large list item tile sits to the left of a small list item tile. The large list item tile has a 16px padding between the item image and item details. The small list item tile has a 8px padding between the item image and item details.


Change log

Feb, 2025
  • Added carousel pagination and tappers to the anatomy
  • Added title hover behavior
  • Added media container hover behavior
  • Added uniform and list grid tile counts for screen sizes
  • Added specs for pagination
  • Renamed “image” property to “media container”
Oct, 2024
  • Changed “gallery scaling” to “uniform grid scaling” and added list view scaling guidance
  • Added guidance for the additional actions overflow icon button
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Oct, 2022
  • Added action button to image
  • Updated spacing between image and details
  • Added option to show aspects
  • Moved sponsor tag to the bottom of details
  • Increased spacing around price