Page notice


Page notices communicate high-priority information at a page level. They are bold and prominent to capture attention.


A page confirmation alert notice. Number 1 points to the title. Number 2 points to the icon. Number 3 points to the button. Number 4 points to the body. Number 5 points to the close/dismiss.
  1. Title
  2. Icon
  3. Button
  4. Body
  5. Close/dismiss



A bolded title is optional. Use a title to quickly summarize the purpose of the notice. Keep titles short, no more than 60 characters, and avoid repeating the body text.

A mobile screen with an information page notice. “Title” points to “Reactivate your account”.


The body text is required for all notices. Aim for 1-2 lines. If the body content exceeds 3 lines, consider whether a different design treatment might be better suited to accommodate the length of the message. For actionable notices, the text should inform the user of a next step.

A mobile screen with an information page notice. “Body” points to “Fill out a few more details to unlock your ability to list items.”


Alert notices can include a dismiss button that removes the notice from the page layout. This is helpful for general or supplemental information provided by the notice.

A mobile screen with an information page notice. “Close/dismiss” points to an “x” close icon.


Actionable notices include a link button below or beside the body text. It is recommended that notices include an action that helps resolve them.

A mobile screen with an information page notice. “Button” points to the link button “Update account details”.


All alert notices are semantic. The available options are information, attention, confirmation, and general. Choose the semantic type depending on the type of message. The icons cannot be customized, and only three options are available: information, attention, and confirmation.

The four variants of page notices including information, attention, confirmation, and general.



Page notices appear on load as part of the page layout and extend edge to edge. Content shifts to fill the space when a page notice is dismissed. Alert page notices should always be dismissible or resolvable, not a permanent part of a design.

An attention page notice at the top of a mobile screen. The page notice states something went wrong with a button to refresh.


All text content will wrap if wider than the container. Avoid wrapping for button titles and titles where possible.

A mobile screen with an information page notice at the top of the screen. It has two lines of text and a button.


The action can be stacked below the content or inline with the content. By default, small screens have the action below, while large screens have the action pinned to the right.

The action should remain below the body content if it spans more than 2 lines on small screens.

Two information page notices. One is wide and one is narrow. The wide one has the button on the right, while the narrow one has the action button at the bottom.

Screen sizes


Page notices are full-width and directly beneath the global header. The action can be below or beside the body content depending on the content length. Inline and section notices appear near their related elements.

A mobile screen with an information page notice at the top of the screen. It has two lines of text and a button.


Page notices are full-width and directly beneath the top navigation elements. Their content adheres to the max width of the grid. Inline and section notices appear next to their related elements.

A large desktop screen with an information page notice across the top of the page.

Best practices


Do keep page notices temporary and provide a solution to remove the page notice.

An attention page notice with a button at the bottom.

Don't use page notices without a clear solution or as a permanent part of the design.

An attention page notice missing the button at the bottom.


Do keep body copy in regular weight to maintain enough visual separation from the action.

An information page notice with regular-weight body text.

Don’t use bold weight for the body copy. The button becomes more difficult to discern from the main content.

An information page notice with bold-weight body text.


Do show one page notice at a time and replace it with next priority page notice after the user dismisses or addresses it.

A single page notice.

Avoid stacking page notices. Stacked page notices can quickly become overwhelming.

Two variants of page notices stacked on top of each other.


Specs for a wide and narrow page notice. Both use 16px icons with 12px of space between the icon and content area. 16px is between the body text and link button. 12px of minimum space is between the content area and close/dismiss button. The close button is 16px. 16px of padding is around the top, bottom, left, and right of the content area.

Change log

Aug, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Oct, 2022
  • The page, section, and inline notices have been recombined into a single component to align with coded components.
  • Content overrides should not reset, but this may lead to inline notice components showing a close icon and action when changes are accepted. Select the instances and toggle the “Actionable?” and “Dismissible?” properties to hide those elements.
  • Added a “Level” property to choose between a page, section, or inline notice.
  • Consolidated values for the “Action location” property as “below” and “beside.”
  • Renamed “Show action” and “Show close icon” properties as “Actionable?” and “Dismissible?” respectively.
  • Updated default values for body and title text properties.
  • Toggled the new “simplify all instances” to hide layers without properties and simplify the property panel.
Jul, 2022
  • Fixed width of close icon container
  • Updated alignment from center to top when the action is on the right.
Jun, 2022
  • Updated icon from medium to small
  • Converted to using component properties
  • New properties
  • Semantic type
  • Action location
  • Show title
  • Show action
  • Show close icon
  • Title content
  • Body content
  • Action label
  • Updated layer name
  • Cleaned up hidden layers
  • Streamlined layer structure
May, 2022
  • Converted Level property values into unique components
  • [Level=Page] is now “Alert page notice”
  • [Level=Section] is now “Section page notice”
  • [Level=Inline] is now “Inline page notice”