Common charger directive (CCD)


The EU's Common Charger Directive mandates USB-C ports for most rechargeable devices, aiming to standardize charging interfaces. This regulation enhances device compatibility, allows consumers to buy devices without chargers, improves transparency for buyers, and reduces both consumer costs and environmental waste by minimizing redundant chargers. This mandate is new, and guidance may be subject to change.

A stylized graphic for a common charger directive (CCD) pictogram.


Anatomy of a common charger directive pictogram. Number 1 points to min power, number 2 max power, number 3 watts indicator, number 4 fast charging, number 5 container.
  1. Minimum power
  2. Maximum power
  3. Watts indicator
  4. Fast charging
  5. Container


The “Charger included” type of CCD. It depicts a charger inside of a rectangle.

Charger included

A charger is included with the purchase of the item.

The “Charger not included” type of CCD. It depicts a charger inside of a rectangle with a slash diagonally through it.

Charger not included

A charger is not included with the purchase of the item.

The “Charger details” type of CCD. It depicts a charger inside with no rectangle, and stacked 3 lines of type inside, “900.9 - 999.0”, “W”, and “USB PD”.

Charger label

Dynamic labels for the charger’s power range, watt indicator, and fast charging capabilities.


Power range

The power range is shown with the minimum wattage first, followed by a hyphen with spaces on each side, and then the maximum wattage. Though rare, the maximum permitted range can include up to 3 digits followed by a single decimal point.

Two CCD charger detail pictograms. The power range is on the top. The left has a range of 20 - 45, and the right is 900.0 - 999.0.

Power type

“W” is always visible and represents watts. It should not be changed to any other type of measure.

A single CCD charger detail pictogram. The wattage indicator is in the middle marked with “W”.

Fast charging

USB PD is only displayed when a charger has fast charging capabilities.

A single CCD charger details pictogram. Fast charging is represented by “USB PD”.


Text wrapping

Though uncommon, the power range will wrap to a maximum of two lines if it exceeds the container’s width. This may also occur if a user increases their browser’s font size settings.

Two CCD details pictograms. The first is normal size with the power range on one line. The second has larger type and wraps to two lines.

Fast charging

USB PD is only displayed when a charger has fast charging capabilities. When a charger is not fast charging, the range and watt indicator align to the middle of the container.

Two CCD details pictograms. The first has USB PD to mark that it’s fast charging. The second does not have it.

Minimum and maximum size

The CCD components maintain the same dimensions on both small and large screens with a height of 78px, which accommodates a type size of 7px.

All CCD pictograms displayed at their actual size of 78px.

Screen sizes


The CCD pictograms are placed next to each other and as close to the item’s price as possible.

A small screen carousel for recently viewed items.

Medium and large

On larger screens, the pictograms remain the same size and placement.

A large screen with the CCD pictograms at their defined size.

Best practices


Do use the defined size of the CCD pictograms.

A mobile screen with the CCD pictograms at their defined size.

Don’t alter the size of the CCD pictograms.

A mobile screen with the CCD pictograms shrunken down to a smaller size.


Do follow the formatting of the power range.

A CCD power range of “20 - 45”.

Don’t use other text strings as a replacement for the power range.

A CCD power range of “20 - 45”.


Do place the CCD pictograms as close to the item’s price as possible.

The CCD pictograms closer to the item’s price.

Don’t place the CCD pictograms further away from the item’s price.

The CCD pictograms further away from the item’s price.


Specs for CCD has charger, doesn’t have charger, and charger details pictograms. Each are 78px tall. Has/doesn’t have charger are 58px wide. Charger details is 53px wide with 7/11px type that is bold. Charger details is made of two parts: top which is 25px tall and 35px wide, and bottom which is 53px tall with a 1.5px corner radius.

Change log

Jan, 2025
  • Created with eBay Evo