Program badges

Program badges are icon and text lockups that highlight and reinforce existing programs and services at eBay related to trust, authentication, and guarantees.

A blue tone-on-tone authenticity guarantee badge.


A grid of 22 program badge lockups in three columns. The first column contains Authenticity Guarantee, eBay Guaranteed Fit, Free Warranty, Direct from Brand, Brand Authorized Seller, Authenticated by Certilogo, Verified Condition, eBay Refurbished all with the rosette checkmark icon. The second column contains Recycled with a rosette checkmark icon, Top Rated Seller with a star icon, Top Rated Plus and eBay Top Service with a trophy icon, eBay Money Back Guarantee with a shield with checkmark icon, PSA Vault with a vault icon, eBay for Charity with a ribbon icon, and eBay Pre-loved with a heart ribbon icon. The third column contains eBay Plus with a plus icon, International Shipping with a globe icon, Local with a location pin icon, Best Price Guaranteed with a merit ribbon icon, Brand Outlet with a store icon and Top Star with an icon that stacks 3 triangles on top of 2 triangles.


A program badge is a lockup featuring a program-specific icon and the name of the program. For the approved set of program icons, see the Icon library.

A detailed spec of a program badge lockup. Number 1 points to the program icon. Number 2 points to the program text “Authenticity Guarantee”. Number 3 points to the full lockup.
  1. Icon
  2. Text
  3. Lockup


Program badges come in both 24px and 16px icon lockups and use regular-weight text.

Two program badge lockups. Both have a rosette checkmark icon and “eBay Refurbished” text. The top one is a 24px lockup, and the bottom is a 16px lockup.


A rosette checkmark icon next to a single line of text “Authenticity Guarantee”.

Single line

This single line lockup is the primary version that is used across applications.

A rosette checkmark icon next to a double line of text. “Authenticity” is on the first line and “Guarantee” on the second.

Double line

This double line lockup is a secondary treatment that may be used when space is limited in marketing materials.

Color framework

Program badges help visualize and convey trust. To create visual hierarchy, we use different badge colors based on quantity of badges in a viewable area and level of importance.

If a program badge is meant to be one of the most important elements on a page, it can stand out by using our blue accent color. Blue is not a requirement, but simply an option. Alternately, if there are many program badges on a page, they may cause too much visual noise and should instead use black to decrease the visual hierarchy. Learn more by visiting Color tokens.

Number of badges

A volume graphic detailing 1-2 badges uses color token “color.foreground.accent” to provide more visual hierarchy. The left side is smaller and is blue in color. For 3+ badges, color token “color.foreground.primary” is used for less visual hierarchy. The right side is thicker and black in color.

View Item (1 badge)

On the View Item page, a single program badge can appear at the very top of the page above the item’s title. This location provides high-level trust through our blue accent color.

An Authenticity Guarantee program badge placed above an item title. The icon is blue.

Checkout (1 badge)

A program badge like eBay Money Back Guarantee is common during the checkout process when all items are eligible for the program. This uses our blue accent color to ensure high-level trust during the final step before purchase.

A blue eBay Money Back Guarantee program icon next to stacked type. The name of the program is on top with support text under it.

Shop with confidence (1 badge)

On the View Item page, program badges can appear further down in the “shop with confidence” module. It’s common to find program badges with other trust signals and icons in this section. This is a color exception because one program badge is surrounded by other icons and black is used instead of our blue accent color.

Three rows of icons stacked with descriptions and chevrons. The first row is eBay Money Back Guarantee, the second is Returns, and the third is Shipping & Delivery. All icons are black.

Search Results Page (3+ badges)

Throughout the SRP, program badges appear consistently at the bottom of item tiles. Badges only appear on item tiles that match the program’s criteria, and only one badge appears at a time. Since there are many program badges on a page like this, it’s okay to use black to allow them to visually sit back within the design.

A search results page for outdoor furniture. Each item tile has a program badge lockup with black icons.


Text wrapping

Some moments require a program name to wrap onto a second line of text. This can occur for longer program names or as a result of localizing text for another language. When wrapping text, anchor the icon in the upper left, center-aligned with the first line of text.

A search results page for outdoor furniture. One of the item tiles has a wrapping program name with text left-aligned on the right side of the icon.

Rows and cells

Within sections like the “shop with confidence” module on View Item pages, the alignment of program icons and text depends on the amount of lines of text that are present.

Vertically center-align program icon and text when there are 2 lines or less. With 3 or more lines, top-align icon and text. The icon can be placed within a circle background to provide better visual anchoring.

Three rows of icons, description text, and chevrons. The first row has 4 lines of text and the icon is top aligned. The second row has 3 lines of text and the icon is top aligned. The third row has two lines of text and the icon is center middle-aligned.

Large badge multi-line

Vertically center-align program icon and text when there are 2 lines or less. With 3 or more lines, top-align icon and text. This treatment provides increased visual attention.

A blue eBay Money Back Guarantee program icon next to two lines of text. The icon is middle aligned.

Small badge multi-line

Left-align sub copy underneath small program badge lockups when there is a clean edge line down the page. Keeping an edge will help with scannability.

An Authenticity Guarantee program badge with support copy stacked beneath it. The text is left aligned with the icon.

In marketing

There are a variety of treatments that are used when using program badges throughout marketing materials. Learn more in the UI graphics expression and banner component.

An out-of-home eBay ad with an outlined Authenticity Guarantee program badge lockup inside of a pill shape.


Every program has an outlined icon that is associated with it. These icons will be used across the majority of applications.

An out-of-home eBay ad with a filled eBay Guaranteed Fit program badge lockup inside of a pill shape. A filled icon is also placed on top of an image of a tire rim.


The eBay Guaranteed Fit program should only be represented with a filled icon; do not use an outlined version. Authenticity Guarantee on the other hand has both filled and outlined variants. The filled variant is only used when placing on top of photography and to draw more attention to the program. If there are two or more icons in a layout and one of them is filled, the others should also be filled.

Icon and text separated

It is possible to separate the program badge icon and text if the program name is being used as the headline. These layouts are more nuanced and should be developed in partnership with the brand team.


One of the common use cases for using program badges will be found in the overline of a banner. The overline sits above the banner’s title. The color matches the color scheme of the banner text and button.

A home page mobile design with Authenticity Guarantee in the overline of a banner.


When program badges are used in a layout that has a specific color scheme, the color should match the type and other UI elements.

A vibrant yellow mobile layout with a program badge that is a dark brown color to match the color scheme.


Do use program icons to represent their programs.

A vault icon next to “PSA Vault”.

Don’t use program icons for anything other than their programs.

A vault icon next to text that describes transactions and peace of mind.

Do use a single program badge on item tiles.

Don’t stack multiple program badges in item tiles. Use only the most significant program badge.

Do left-align sub copy underneath program badges to maintain a clean edge line for better scannability.

Don’t indent sub copy to the program name—resulting in an uncomfortable edge line and disrupting scannability.

Do use outlined program badges in product. The main exception is Guaranteed Fit.

A program badge at the top of a View Item page using an outlined icon.

Don’t use filled program badges in product. Filled badges are primarily used over photography in marketing. The main exception is Guaranteed Fit.

A program badge at the top of a View Item page using a filled icon.

Don’t use tooltips with program badges. This treatment is often redundant and inaccessible without other visual indicators.

A tooltip popup placed beneath a program badge lockup.

Don’t place other icons or links in close proximity to program badges. These badges are meant to be simple visual indicators.

A program badge lockup with an information icon placed to the right of it.

Don’t create your own color combinations for program badges.

A blue icon next to gray text.

Don’t use bold weight for program badge text.

A PSA Vault program badge lockup, but the text is bold.


Do use filled icons for all program badges in a layout if there is at least one icon that is filled.

An ad with a filled rosette checkmark icon placed on top of a stack of fashion images. The same filled icon is used in a program badge lockup within a pill shape towards the top.

Don’t mix outlined and filled icons for program badges in the same layout.

An ad with a filled rosette checkmark icon placed on top of a stack of fashion images. An unfilled version of the icon is used in a program badge lockup within a pill shape towards the top.

Do follow the color scheme of the layout. For tone-on-tone, the program badge should match the text and button color.

A vibrant yellow tone-on-tone layout with a program badge in brown.

Don’t use a blue program badge over a colored background.

A vibrant yellow tone-on-tone layout with a program badge in blue.

Do use outlined program badges when they are not placed over photography. The main exception is Guaranteed Fit.

A vibrant yellow tone-on-tone layout with an outlined program badge used off of photography.

Don’t use filled program badges when they are not placed over photography. The main exception is Guaranteed Fit.

A vibrant yellow tone-on-tone layout with a filled program badge used off of photography.

Do use the filled Authenticity Guarantee and eBay Money Back Guarantee icons on top of imagery when needed.

A stack of images with filled Authenticity Guarantee icons placed on top.

Don’t use the outlined Authenticity Guarantee and eBay Money Back Guarantee icons on top of imagery.

A stack of images with outlined Authenticity Guarantee icons placed on top.

Do follow the provided spec for a double line program lockup.

A double line program lockup for Authenticity Guarantee. The icon is large and to the left of two lines of text.

Don’t text wrap the single line program lockup to two lines to create the double line lockup.

A double line program lockup for Authenticity Guarantee. The icon is small and to the left of two lines of text.

Do place program badges in the text overline when referencing programs in product banners.

A large product banner with text on the left side containing an overline, headline, subline, and cta button. The image contains a vibrant blue background with 3 types of jewelry. The overline has the program lockup for Authenticity Guarantee.

Don’t randomly place a program badge lockup in a product banner. This creates unclear content hierarchy.

A large product banner with text on the left side containing a headline, subline, and cta button. The image contains a vibrant blue background with 3 types of jewelry. The program badge is randomly placed on the right side of the banner.


These specs apply to all program badges.

A detailed spec of a 24px single line program badge lockup. From left to right is a 24px icon, 8px of space, and text using the subtitle 2 - 16/24 regular text style.

Single line 24px

A detailed spec of a 16px single line program badge lockup. From left to right is a 16px icon, 6px of space, and text using the body - 14/20 regular text style.

Single line 16px

A detailed spec of a double line program badge lockup. From left to right is a 32px icon, 8px of space, and text using an altered body - 14/16 regular text style.

The double line lockup is built by scaling the 24px icon to 32px. Once the lockup is built to these specs, it can be scaled proportionally to any size needed.


Strategy and stakeholders must vet a program before it becomes official. Our program badges are a finite set that will grow over time as we expand our program offerings.

To discuss icon needs, reach out to the OneExperience (OX) team or sign up for office hours. Please do not create new program badge icons without consulting OX. Do not alter or edit program badge icons.

Change log

Oct, 2024
  • Added more best practices to describe outlined/filled usage
Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
  • Updated overview
  • Added anatomy, marketing, specs, and resources sections
Apr, 2023
  • Updated icons on page
Dec, 2022
  • Updated visual examples with latest program badges
Oct, 2022
  • This page replaces the old “Understanding badges” page
  • Updated overview at the top
  • Added “Sizes” section
  • Added “Color” section
  • Added “Alignment” section
  • Added “Marketing” section
  • Added best practice examples
  • Updated “Resources” section