Layout in motion
The design system has several layouts that communicate a sense of discovery when brought into motion. Even when designing for motion, always remember to adhere to our Layout in marketing guidelines.
The design system has several layouts that communicate a sense of discovery when brought into motion. Even when designing for motion, always remember to adhere to our Layout in marketing guidelines.
Video description: A 3-second video shows an image of a gold Lady Liberty coin with a dark red velvet background spin to the center of a large white banner. The coin image shrinks down while a grid of colorful brand images pop onto the screen and all images scale and match to the same size. The images are of collectibles, jewelry, fashion, and sports items.
Video description: A 3-second video shows a sequence of 5 overlapping images of sneakers descending diagnally from left to right. The images decrease in size as they descend. A slight pulse motion causes all five image to move places in a stacked carousel.
Video description: A 9-second video shows a close up image of a designer watch on a man’s wrist. The screen zooms out and the watch image moves to the center of a colorful catalog grid of product images. The catalog scrolls down revealing more images until one row of product images zoom in with three images across that scroll to the left. A product image of a designer handbag opens, has a playful dropping motion and centers itself while the handle overlaps “Louis Vuitton” in the upper left with “Authenticity Guarantee” and “Free Shipping” badges below. The eBay logo is in the lower left corner and the tagline “Things.People.Love.” is in the lower right. The screen scrolls and the same layout appears but with a colorful pink “Valentino” handbag, followed by a brown “Celine”.