
A mosaic grid groups items in a visually compelling layout to show hierarchy, user signals, and user browsing behavior.

Stylized graphic of a mosaic grid in coral.



Mosaic grids react consistently and expectedly across all platforms.


Mosaic grids contain items that are recommended and personalized to the user.


Mosaics allow for a list of multiple complex items to be presented in a more consumable format.


Anatomy of a mosaic grid. Number 1 points to the grid title. Number 2 points to the grid subtitle. Number 3 points to the hero tile. Number 4 points to the price pill. Number 5 points to the save action. Number 6 points to the action link. Number 7 points to related item tiles.
  1. Title
  2. Subtitle
  3. Hero tile
  4. Price pill
  5. Save action
  6. Action link
  7. Related items


Product specific

Product-specific mosaic grids are used when we have advertising around a specific product. All tiles in the product-specific mosaic grid are item tiles, and all small tiles are related to the hero tile.

A mosaic grid of “Fresh home finds”. The hero tile is of a couch. The supporting tiles are of other couches, chairs, and side tables.

Category / theme

Category / theme mosaic grids are used to highlight a collection or items across adjacent categories. This could be things like "tailgating," "camping essentials," or "back to school."

In this usage, the hero tile and "See all" link take the user to an event or landing page.

A mosaic grid of “essentials”. The hero tile is of a couch and a category text pill of “Modern couches” is in the bottom left of the hero tile image. The supporting tiles are all of couches.



Mosaic grids should lead with a hero tile. However, when mosaic grids are stacked one after another, the following hero image will switch to the ride side of the layout. This behavior is only for medium- and large-screen sizes.

Two large screen mosaic grid modules stacked. The second grid has the hero tile on the right side.

Keyboard interaction

Focusing on an item tile outlines the image with a focus indicator. TAB navigates through interactive elements within the tile. ENTER or SPACE activates nested elements or navigates to a detail page when the image is selected.

Two item tiles with blue keyboard focus stroke indicators. The left example is around the save icon in the upper right of the image. The right example is around the image itself.



The price is one of the most important elements and is required for all tiles. The price is always bolded. The price container sits on top of the image or on its own line below the image.

An item tile with a price pill in the lower left corner.

Hero tile

When possible, use the hero tile to reflect a specific signal, such as a frequently searched item, recently viewed, or a strong product recommendation based on browsing behavior.

A graphic representation of a large hero tile on the left and 4 gray boxes in a grid on the right symbolizing the related items.

Related items

Items related to the hero should still be personalized and relevant to the user, but they may not have as strong a signal as the hero tile. For example, the items are related to something the user has searched for but not something they've seen before.

A graphic representation of a large gray box on the left symbolizing the hero tile and 4 tiles in a grid on the right for related items.

Screen sizes


At small sizes, the hero item tile is always fixed to the top. Mosaic grids only display 5 item tiles total at small-screen sizes.

A small screen mosaic grid with a large hero tile on the top and 4 smaller tiles in a grid beneath it.

Medium and Large

At medium and large sizes, the hero item tile is fixed to the left. Mosaic grids only display 7 item tiles at these sizes. The hero item can be fixed to the right only if two mosaic grids are stacked.

A large screen mosaic grid with a large hero tile on the left and 6 smaller tiles in a grid on the right.

Best practices

Keep it specific

Do keep the content in mosaic grids specific to a product, category or theme.

A small screen mosaic grid with items that are related to home essentials consisting of couches.

Don’t mix items from unrelated categories or use broad queries for items in a mosaic grid. They should be focused on a specific theme.

A small screen mosaic grid with items that are unrelated to each other consisting of shirts, tables, glasses, plants.


Do keep mosaic modules fixed to the grid.

A large screen mosaic grid that is fixed to the page grid.


Don’t scroll mosaic grids off the viewport.

A large screen mosaic grid that bleeds horizontally off the edge of the screen.


A detailed spec of a mosaic grid on large screens. 16px of space is between the title and grid. There is 16px of space between columns and rows of tiles. 12px of space is in the corners of price pills and save icon buttons.

Large screen

A detailed spec of a mosaic grid on small screens. 16px of space is between the title and grid. There is 8px of space between columns and rows of tiles below the hero tile. 12px of space is in the corners of price pills and save icon buttons.

Small screen


Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Mar, 2023
  • Added to library