One system for everyone to love.
eBay Evo is our brand and design system, created so we show up consistently all around the world with the flexibility to strengthen local market relevance.
Read press releaseInspired by how people discover.

Powered by passion.

Video description: A 30-second promotional video showcasing the making of marketing and product photography. It shows smiling people enjoying fashion, sports items and collectibles in real life moments or in studio environments with a text overlay that reads "Things.People.Love."
Designed to evolve.
eBay Evo expands our brand and design system to create bold new expressions. Custom illustration, iconography library, proprietary typeface, fully accessible color palette, and story-driven photography help us build a world that feels real, smart, spirited, and dependable.
eBay Evo modernizes our interface to reflect a contemporary aesthetic and user experience. Fully developed in-house, Evo has grown over the past five years into what you see and experience today.
Video description: A 5-second animation of the corner radius of a user interface element being adjusted from 0-16px.
- Real.
- Smart.
- Spirited.
- Dependable.
Video description: A 6-second looped animation of two people driving a yellow car with a roof storage box. One person is driving, and the other is enjoying the ride with their hand outside the window.

Designed to scale the world.
A Playbook with tools and rules designed to scale globally and flex locally.